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  • This tree planting project links environmental restoration with income generation, providing the local community with the knowledge and tools to conserve their land, protect their water supply, and create a sustainable, diverse economy for future generations. It focuses on the Loka Bedelcha Kebele in Southern Ethiopia, and the Amhara region in the North. Both are areas where environmental degradation is threatening livelihoods and biodiversity. These regions face challenges like dry and unpredictable climates, poor soil fertility, ineffective land management practices, and lenient resource regulations. 

  • Our partner, SOS Sahel Ethiopia, is dedicated to improving the living standards of smallholder farmers and marginalized pastoralists through better management of their environment and improved access to food. Taking place on communal lands and around homesteads, the planting of these trees will be tied to sustainable business for the local community: fruit and coffee production, beekeeping, and animal fattening. Community cooperatives will be the primary implementers of the project, while school clubs will be established to engage in the tree plantation to learn by doing. 

  • A personalized tree certificate to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you updates on our Ethiopia project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.

  • Our partners will plant a variety of trees to ensure this project has a wide-ranging impact. These include multi-purpose tree species (Acacia saligna, Acacia abyssinica, Grevillea robusta & Olea africana), fruit trees (Mango, Papaya & Avocado), and coffee plants.