Indonesia is home to magnificent rainforests, carbon-rich peatlands, and diverse wildlife like orangutans, proboscis monkeys, Sun bears and over 1,700 species of birds. Funds from OneTreePlanted will support the activity of planting 100,000 trees in four Gapoktan (farmer group associations), involving over 1,000 farmers in the two Forest Management Units (FMUs) of Kota Agung Utara and Batu Tegi located in the buffer zones of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP). Tree planting in this region is critical as there are approximately 40,000 families whose livelihoods depend on the forests in the two FMUs Kota Agung Utara and Batu Tegi.
Our experienced planters in Indonesia work to ensure balance is restored both environmentally and economically with the growth of new trees. This project helps to educate local villages about the importance of conservation, create jobs for those in the area, and provide long-term income for the community. To reach this area requires a four-hour boat ride through areas inhabited by orangutans, hornbills, proboscis monkeys, crocodiles, and many more unique flora and fauna.
A personalized tree certificate to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you updates on our Indonesia projects, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.To ensure your donation makes the biggest impact possible, our partner will determine which native species are most appropriate to plant for that time of year. Native Indonesian species that we plant include: Arenga pinnata (type of palm), Persea americana (avocado), Parkia speciosa (bean), Myristica fragrans (nutmeg), Erythrina variegate (type of herb), Bombax ceiba (cotton tree), Durio zibethinus (durian), Archidendron pauciflorum (legume tree), Cassia javanica (apple blossom tree), Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen), Bambusoideae (bamboo).