The Endangered Southern Resident Orca have called the stretch of Pacific Ocean from Northern California to British Columbia home for millennia. Every year, as the Orca's migrate North to South and back again they rely on the West Coast Chinook salmon for food (nearly 80% of their diet). However, salmon stocks are diminishing due to loss of habitat and increasing pollution - ultimately impacting the Orca downstream. Planting trees along rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest restores habitat for the endangered orca. Trees help reduce pollution and improve the health and quantity of salmon for the orca to eat! Learn more about how trees, salmon, and orca are all connected in our blog story.
Our amazing partners across the Pacific Northwest have identified critical forested areas that need to be restored in order to have the greatest possible impact on the well-being of the Southern Resident Orca. Planting trees around the rivers and streams that feed into the Orca's habitat reduces water contamination, lowers toxicity, protects salmon spawning grounds, and improves Orca food supply. These projects will bring benefits to other species of wildlife, as well as the communities in the surrounding areas.
A personalized tree certificate to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you updates on our Orca project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.Our partner has chosen trees and vegetation that will bring the greatest overall benefit to the region, the salmon, and the Southern Resident Orca.