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  • The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST) supports Small Groups of subsistence farmers in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and India to combat the devastating effects of deforestation, poverty, and drought. Farmers come together in Small Groups of 6-12, forming Clusters of 20-70 Small Groups. Clusters meet monthly to address agricultural, HIV/AIDS, nutritional, and fuel challenges, as well as to discuss tree planting. As TIST expands to more groups and more areas, it ensures more trees, more biodiversity, more climate change benefit and more income for more people.

  • The trees that the TIST farmers plant provide food, fodder, fruits, fuel, building materials as well as windbreaks and shade. They also absorb carbon as they grow, thus reducing the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that is driving climate change. The shade and water retention reduce soil temperatures, improve soil moisture, water supply, and crop yields. The other agricultural improvements improve the soil carbon, and thus improve fertility and production.

  • A personalized tree certificate to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you updates on our Tanzania project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.

  • Common tree species include Mijohoro, Luciner, Mikalatusi, Eucalyptus, Milonga, Mimelea, Casuarina, Mti kunuka, Gravellia & Mikorokapasi. Farmers choose what trees they wish to plant.