- Given its remarkably large land area, Ontario's forests are incredibly diverse. From the northern lowlands around Hudson Bay, through the Boreal forest, and on to the deciduous forests in the south, Ontario is home to a wide array of unique plant and wildlife. However, many of Ontario's amazing forests are being pressured by natural resource extraction and encroaching agricultural development. On top of this, in April 2019 the Ontario government cut funding for its tree planting program, which intended on planting 50 million trees by 2025.
- Reforestation in Ontario will greatly benefit communities, biodiversity, and the environment. Planting trees will restore critical watersheds, rebuild important wildlife habitats, and will ultimately combat climate change and global warming. Most importantly, your donation will help to fill the void left by the Ontario government's termination of the 50 Million Tree program. With your support, conservation organizations who were counting on support from the government will be able to continue planting trees across the province.
A personalized tree certificate to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you updates on our Ontario project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment. - To maximize the impact of your donation, our partner will determine the most appropriate species of tree to plant.