Uganda has a rapidly growing population which is putting a great deal of stress on the country's forests. A larger population and an influx of refugees are increasing demand for firewood, pushing agricultural expansion, and expanding land settlement - all of which is having an adverse impact on tree coverage. Uganda now experiences one of the highest rates of deforestation in the world. Like most of the country, Western Uganda (part of the Albertine Rift) is a biodiversity hotspot, home to the most endemic and threatened species of vertebrates on the continent, many of which rely on the forest for habitat and food.
- Our partners are working with local farmers in Western Uganda where they are planting trees which will provide sustainable food and income for land owners by growing fruits, nuts, and medicines. Planting trees in this area of Uganda will reduce erosion and improve the health of the soil degraded by agricultural expansion, aid in restoring riparian zones, and give local plants and animals a better habitat. Another aspect of this project is to train farmers on a range of topics from health to climate resiliency. These trees will be rigorously monitored and cared for as they will eventually be used to generate carbon offsets - meaning your trees will last a long, long time!
- A personalized tree certificate to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you updates on our Uganda project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.
- A variety of trees will be planted in the affected area based on the needs of specific planting sites. Species include Pinus Patula, Pine, Gravellia, Orange, Teak, Cyprus, Mango, Omusizi, and Plum.